Wednesday 3 August 2016

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo (Overview) - part 2

For quit long time, I have no time to update my blog due to my time constraint. Even, I have no time to have a look at it. But, once in a while, I will visit just to know, how are you may baby.

Okay, I would to name this post as Kota Kinabalu Pt 2. Part 1 consist details of the trip, cost and my activities. For this part 2, nothing much to share only just a few pictures that still in my personal collection.

Departure time. Very good weather. So, it is my best luck ever.

This is my first experience to fly with Malindo Airlines, many know that Malaysia own 51% of the share while the rest is belong to Indonesia.

Why I chose it?
Because of it 30kgs luggage and refreshment.
 View at 33000 fts to the ground. On the way to Kota Kinabalu from KLIA.

Formation of these clouds so lovely. So nice.

 Hills and Mountains... we are closed.

Yes, here we are. 
Kota Kinabalu International Airport. 

From airport, we directly  move to Kundasang.

Dataran Todak.. The best place to get variety of seafood. In terms of price, I am not sure, but in term of variety, yes there too much choice.

There are a lot of activities either by local or visitors.
 Fisherman boat. 
Crowded with peoples and smokes.
Hmmm, much variety compare to Pasar Filipina.

Avocado juice without chocolate but still really tasty.
Lobster on the plate. Well, not my favorite at all. But, once in a life you should taste it. Never listen to anyone, let yourself say the experience.
Time to back Peninsular Malaysia.
 View around the airport.

A local ice cream booth. Seriously, it is so yummy. I taste the durian flavour. 

Cost for each stick of ice cream only MYR3. Don't forget to buy. They also provide you for packaging which you can bring it home.
 Finding Nemo....

Kota Kinabalu from the sky. 

Thank you Malindo for flying us to Borneo and return.

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