Saturday 9 May 2015

Pantai Pangkalan Balak, (Pangkalan Balak Beach), Masjid Tanah, Melaka - 4 Sept 2014

Sunset at Pantai Pengkalan Balak?

Do you think I'm kind of person who will wait for a lovely scenery of sunset or sunrise? Honestly, I'm not. 

Well, how could I get this lovely view of sunset? It is actually unplanning. I'd to work until 6.00pm on that day,  1 hour to get home and my stomach started to roar.  So, I decided to have my dinner at beach side with sunset. While I'm waiting for my meals, I snapped these pictures.

I appreciated beaches, skies, mountains and any of untouched scenery. There are so amazing and there is no word that I can use to describe it.

My pictures are in sequence, from around 6.40pm and Maghrib time when the sun totally gone. I continued my way home, after I had completed my dinner.

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