Thursday 22 January 2015

what my heart say - 4

Excerption from La Tahzan (Don't Be Sad) book. 

with nobody...
is dishonorable and outdated..
if the wrong never go down..
if the haram never be halal
you will be sequestered from living
live apart, and lonely....

Leave it....
keep your steps...
because this earth is also for you...
be water, even restricted from flowing
but still moving to downstream, as usual..
even you are being threatened, variety of it
even you are being threatened, your freedom snatched away
even the whole world dishonor you
if you are on the right path
nothing will dither you
no worries, keeps your patience

there is nothing to this world
it is maya, even it is so reality in the eye
it is temporary even it is live for so long
don't let 'wahan' rhythm fill lyric of you life
don't let your faith affected by the beauty of this lying world...
for what you are heading for this world?
by the moment, you death is seeking for you?

Don't be sad in this long journey..
even you are sequestered, you are not alone..
there is Prophet who did motivated you
There is God which is always in our heart and by our side
there is a victory that you are getting close too...

Keep your journey...
keep holding the truth...
La Tahzan (Never be sad)
You are not alone......

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